What is Garda Vetting and how to become Garda Vetted
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Get startedHaving Garda Vetting can be a way to solidify yourself as a great candidate for a job in childcare, as well as, helping parents identify babysitters qualified to work with vulnerable people or children.
What is Garda Vetting?
Garda vetting is a scheme based on the Children and Vulnerable Persons (or National Vetting Bureau) Acts of 2012 and 2016.
Garda vetting checks the background of an individual, by asking the An Garda Síochána (or police service of Ireland) to determine whether there is any criminal record or background that should be taken into consideration.
The Garda Vetting helps provide information to help make the decision of whether or not to hire a person for a position that will have access to or contact with children or vulnerable persons. At the end of the day, the hiring organisation will use the information from the vetting process to make this hiring decision.
How to get garda vetted
In order to get Garda Vetted, the hiring organisation will provide the applicant with a Garda Vetting Form. By completing and returning this form signed to the organisation, the applicant can begin the application for the vetting process.
From here the National Vetting Bureau begins taking the steps as noted above, looking into the criminal history of the candidate in order to eventually provide a disclosure of any information to the liaison at the organisation to help inform a hiring decision.
The individual themselves will not receive the disclosure, unless they request a copy directly from the liaison at the organisation.
How long does Garda Vetting Take
According to the GNVB, Garda Vetting applications are processed within 5 working days after the application has been received. The progress of an E-vetting application can be tracked on the Garda Vetting website here (https://vetting.garda.ie/Track). *The application ID number and surname are required in order to check the progress of the vetting. *
How long does Garda Vetting last
Garda vetting does not expire, although it is recommended to update every few years, as the older a Garda Vetting is the less reliable.
What does a disclosure mean in garda vetting
A Disclosure simply means a completed Garda vetting process. Whenever a garda vetting application is finished, a disclosure will be issued by the GNVB. According to the National Vetting Bureau, the grand majority of disclosures are “NIL Disclosure”, thus being that there is no criminal record to disclose.
This information was sourced from the Garda Vetting website, for more detailed information on Garda Vetting, see the full website here: https://vetting.garda.ie/
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